
CBE Nursing Transformation

Partner with a Leader
in Nursing CBE

National standards for nursing programs changed dramatically in April 2021, and Competency-Based Education (CBE) will become the new normal. Many collegiate nursing leaders express feelings of uncertainty with this change, wondering how to support faculty through a fundamental curricular shift. Some leaders also recognize the opportunity to leverage CBE to serve students in new ways, attract new students, and compete in new markets.

What does your CBE transformation look like?

WGU Labs jump-starts your CBE transition. Depending on your goals and institutional experience with CBE, we generally begin with an institution CBE review, followed by program analysis and customized workshops to ease the transition for both leaders and faculty.

Institution CBE Review (4-6 weeks)

During your Institution CBE Review, we work with your college and program leadership to facilitate critical decision-making around CBE and uncover areas of opportunity, as well as areas that may be challenging. We first complete a systematic review of your institution using the Periodic Table of CBE ElementsTM framework, then apply multiple research methods, such as facilitated discussions, interviews, surveys, and data analysis, to help you make an informed, confident decision about which CBE strategy will fit best with your college, faculty, and students.

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Program Analysis (4-6 weeks)

WGU Labs partners with you to evaluate your current program and identify critical changes needed to meet national CBE standards. Stakeholders contribute their ideas and input and provide relevant documents, institutional data, and representative syllabi and assessments. We then analyze and highlight content areas that currently align with competencies and standards and identify those needing further development. Together, we structure your program not only to meet requirements, but provide the best education for your students to prepare them for their careers in healthcare.

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Customized Workshop Series (3-6 months)

When faculty and those in supporting roles feel prepared with a solid understanding of the CBE model, they approach the change with confidence in their roles and decisions. We offer a comprehensive series of workshops that guide faculty through change and involve them in the design and development of your CBE transformation: competency-based assessment design and evaluation strategies; mapping curriculum to competencies; assessment design; and ways to deliver active learning techniques.

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Make Decisions using the Periodic Table of CBE ElementsTM Framework

Working closely with the WGU College of Health Professions  – who launched the nation’s first CBE nursing BS program – WGU Labs distilled CBE into a framework we call the Periodic Table of CBE ElementsTM. With this framework as a guide, we can help you navigate through each element as your institution or program transitions to a CBE model.

Periodic Table of CBE Elements

“We appreciated Labs’ ability to work with us to customize their workshops and materials to align with our needs.”

– Nursing school at a large research institution
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Learn more about CBE Nursing Transformation

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